Source code for cechmate.filtrations.extended

import numpy as np
import phat

from .base import BaseFiltration

from ..solver import _simplices_to_sparse_pivot_column

__all__ = ["Extended"]

[docs]class Extended(BaseFiltration): """ This class computed the extended persistence of a simplicial complex. It requires input as a simplicial complex and a mapping on each vertex in the complex. It returns a dictionary storing the associated diagrams in each homology class. The basic steps are to: - convert an abstract simplicial complex to the correct boundary matrix, using the lower-star up pass and upper-star down pass - read the reduced boundary matrix into birth-death pairs. - partition pairs into respective Ordinary/Extended/Relative diagrams. References =========== Cohen-Steiner, David, Herbert Edelsbrunner, and John Harer. "Extending persistence using Poincaré and Lefschetz duality." Foundations of Computational Mathematics 9.1 (2009): 79-103. """
[docs] def __init__(self, simplices, f): """Initialize Extended persistence class. Parameters ============ simplices: List[List] Simplices f: dictionary mapping name of vertex to value. """ self.simplices = simplices self.f = f self._boundary_matrix = None self._mapping = None self._reduced_boundary_matrix = None self._pairs = None self.diagrams_ = None
@classmethod def from_kmapper(cls, graph, f): """Construct :code:`Extended` object from a Kepler Mapper graph output Parameters =========== graph: dictionary Output of the Kepler Mapper :code:`map` method. f: List or Dict Array with values for each member (like :code:`color_function`), or dictionary mapping for each node name. """ # Construct simplices from graph nodes_map = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(graph["nodes"])} simplices = [[nodes_map[s] for s in simplex] for simplex in graph["simplices"]] # Construct mapping from f if not isinstance(f, dict): f = np.array(f) mapping = {v: np.mean(f[graph["nodes"][n]]) for n, v in nodes_map.items()} else: assert len(f) == len(nodes_map), "Each node should have a value in f." mapping = {nodes_map[k]: v for k, v in f.items()} return Extended(simplices, mapping) @classmethod def from_nx(cls, graph, f): """Construct :code:`Extended` object from an nx.Graph object. Parameters =========== graph: nx.Graph Graph to compute extended persistence on. f: Dict or String Dictionary mapping node to value or string corresponding to node attribute that should be used for mapping. """ assert isinstance(f, dict) or isinstance( f, str ), "f must be of type dict or str. It is type {}".format(type(f)) try: import networkx as nx # internal import so that network isn't always required except ImportError as e: import sys raise type(e)( str(e) + "Networkx package is required for `from_nx` constructor. Please install with `pip install networkx`" ).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) simplices = list(graph.nodes) simplices.extend(list(graph.edges)) if isinstance(f, str): f = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, f) return Extended(simplices, f) def diagrams(self): """ Compute diagrams of extended persistent homology for a simplicial complex :code:`simplices` and function :code:`f`. Returns ========= diagrams: Extended persistence diagrams """ # Only compute once if self.diagrams_: return self.diagrams_ _, _ = self._up_down_boundary_matrix(self.simplices, self.f) pairs = self._compute_persistence_pairs() diagrams = self._process_pairs(pairs) self.diagrams_ = diagrams return self.diagrams_ def _process_pairs(self, pairs): """Split the persistence pairs out into their respective quadrants, adding them to their associated diagrams. """ n = len(self._boundary_matrix) / 2 ordinary_pairs = [(b, d) for (b, d) in pairs if b < n and d < n] extended_pairs = [(b, d) for (b, d) in pairs if b < n and d >= n] relative_pairs = [(b, d) for (b, d) in pairs if b >= n and d >= n] diagrams = {} self._extract_diagram( diagrams, ordinary_pairs, "ordinary", lambda b, d: len(self._mapping[b][0]) - 1, ) self._extract_diagram( diagrams, extended_pairs, "extended", lambda b, d: len(self._mapping[b][0]) - 1, ) self._extract_diagram( diagrams, relative_pairs, "relative", lambda b, d: len(self._mapping[d][0]) - 1, ) diagrams = { h: {s: [[b, d] for b, d in ls if b != d] for s, ls in d.items()} for h, d in diagrams.items() } return diagrams def _extract_diagram(self, diagrams, pairs, pairs_str, order_f): """Operate on diagrams in place. Add pairs to diagram according to the order_f and self._mapping values. """ for b, d in pairs: order = order_f(b, d) diagrams.setdefault(order, {}).setdefault(pairs_str, []).append( (self._mapping[b][1], self._mapping[d][1]) ) def _up_down_boundary_matrix(self, X, f): """ Let A be the boundary matrix for the ascending pass, storing the simplices in blocks that correspond to the lower stars of v1 to vn, in this order. All simplices in the same block are assigned the same value, namely the height of the vertex defining the lower star. Returns ======== boundary matrix: sparse pivot column boundary matrix f: mapping of simplices to function values """ vs = [x[0] for x in X if len(x) == 1] fvs = sorted(vs, key=lambda v: f[v]) lstars = [(_lower_star(X, v, f), f[v]) for v in fvs] kappas = [ (kappa, fv) for lstar, fv in lstars for kappa in sorted(lstar, key=len) ] ustars = [(_upper_star(X, v, f), f[v]) for v in fvs[::-1]] lambdas = [(lam, fv) for ustar, fv in ustars for lam in sorted(ustar, key=len)] A = _simplices_to_sparse_pivot_column(kappas) D = _simplices_to_sparse_pivot_column(lambdas) # Augment D by lowering it it by m and coning. M = list(A) kap_sims = [l[0] for l in kappas] for (k, ds), lam in zip(D, lambdas): # find index of lam in A (or kappas) idx = kap_sims.index(lam[0]) M.append(((k + 1), [idx] + [len(A) + d for d in ds])) self._boundary_matrix = M self._mapping = dict(enumerate(kappas + lambdas)) return self._boundary_matrix, self._mapping def _compute_persistence_pairs(self, boundary_matrix=None): boundary_matrix = boundary_matrix or self._boundary_matrix self._reduced_boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix( columns=boundary_matrix, representation=phat.representations.sparse_pivot_column, ) pairs = self._reduced_boundary_matrix.compute_persistence_pairs() pairs.sort() self._pairs = list(pairs) return self._pairs
def _star(X, v): """Compute star of v """ st = [x for x in X if v in x] return st def _lower_star(X, v, f): st = _star(X, v) lst = [x for x in st if max([f[y] for y in x]) == f[v]] return lst def _upper_star(X, v, f): st = _star(X, v) lst = [x for x in st if min([f[y] for y in x]) == f[v]] return lst